How to get free NFTs on Opensea –  Apecoin Mining Club Unique #2


Is it possible to get free NFTs on Opensea? Yes, this is possible and I will walk you through how I obtained the Apecoin Unique NFT.

What are NFT, Airdrops, and OpenSea?

I’ve covered those in the first post of this series. Here are links that cover all the topics. If you have an understanding of these topics, you can skip this section.

airdropped cargo in the air attached to a parachute
airdropped cargo via Popular Science

What is Ape Mining Club?

Ape Mining Club is an idle simulation game that incorporates it’s own APE token. You can use APE to purchase mining equipment to increase your share of the daily emission created by each pool.

This decentralized game is similar to Rollercoin. I’ve written about Rollercoin in the past. I would say Ape Mining is not as interactive as Rollercoin. That’s great if you’re into passive gaming.

How did you get a free Ape Mining Club NFT?

It all starts with a tweet. While scrolling through my feed on Twitter, I see this tweet.

Apecoin Mining Club NFT Giveaway Tweet

I replied with my address. After this, I waited.

Did you really get the Ape Mining Club NFT?

Yes, I did. A few hours after my reply this shows up in my account. Check it out.

Apecoin Mining Unique NFT on OpenSea
My Apecoin Mining Unique NFT on OpenSea

With very minimal effort I scored this NFT. There aren’t going to be many people that get this NFT. Only 500 were produced. I would say this one is rare.

Wait, you didn’t talk about wallets like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet

I covered this in the first post in the series. You can take a look at this section to learn more.

What if I would like to learn more about Blockchain?

Yes, NFTs are part of the blockchain ecosystem. If you would like to learn more about this topic, we have you covered. You can start by checking out other blockchain posts, we’ve written about so far.

If you want someone to review your NFTs, go here.

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